BLACK ‘CONSERVATIVE’ 13yr. Old Viral Sensation Disavows Conservatism… Guess Who He’s Supporting

Well, so much for being the poster boy of conservatism. You won’t believe who CJ Pearson is backing now.
Teenage viral sensation C.J. Peasrson — who became famous for his brash rhetoric blasting President Barack Obama — announced on Friday he would no longer identify as conservative.
In an interview with TheBlaze, C.J. Pearson, who first entered the national media spotlight when his video criticizing Obama went viral in February, said he now identifies more as an independent than a conservative, although he still very much adheres to certain conservative values.
Pearson attributed his decision, at least in part, to seeing the video of a Chicago police officer fatally shooting LaQuan McDonald.
“I’m not interested in being a champion of a cause that turns a blind eye to racial discrimination and police brutality in America,” Pearson, 13, said in a statement. “I also don’t want to be the ‘anti-Obama kid.’ I want to be the kid who fought for real change and worked with both sides to achieve a better America.”
“Right now, the best candidate tackling race relations that I, with my beliefs could get behind, is [Florida Sen.] Marco Rubio,” Pearson told TheBlaze, adding that he doesn’t see himself working for any other campaigns this presidential cycle.
Read more: The Blaze