NO WORD FROM CNN, YET: Over This HIDEOUS Black On White Crime [Video]

When is this going to get any coverage from the mainstream media? And when are the protests going to start over this?
Zebulum Lael James, a 22-year-old black student at Jackson State University, is accused of going on a shooting spree and randomly selecting his targets in Jackson, Mississippi. The capital city of the state, Jackson is 79 percent black and 18 percent white.
Both of the targets police in Jackson say James “randomly” shot were white women, Suzanne Hogan and Kristy Lynn Mitchell.
Hogan had recently moved to the city and Mitchell was visiting Jackson on a work trip.
WLBT out of Jackson reports James went on a shooting spree on Nov. 20, shooting and killing Hogan as she pumped gas and then shooting Mitchell in the parking lot of a Logan’s Roadhouse.
Jackson Police Chief Lee Vance said of the motives behind the shooting, “At this point, there’s no other conclusion that we can draw. Based on what we know this minute, a random act or a series of random acts, is the best conclusion I can draw right now.”
He added, “It makes absolutely no sense when you walk up to somebody you don’t know and shoot them. It’s senseless. It’s terrible. I really feel for the victims.”
A Fox affiliate out of Birmingham, Alabama, WBRC, reported James’ mentor was shocked about the shooting spree.
“Because we know the young man we knew something was not right. This is not the Zebulum we’ve been knowing all these years,” said former Canton Assistant Police Chief Juan Cloy.
Read more: WND