CRAZY POLL: Republicans AND Democrats Want To Bomb Who Back Into The Stone Age?

In a stunning new poll, which is hard to believe isn’t fiction, Americans both Republican and Democrat alike supported bombing the fake country of Agrabah — this was the country in which the Disney movie Aladdin took place.
You really can’t make this stuff up anymore. Dumbfounded and clueless Americans’ ignorance will be their own demise.
30% of Republican primary voters nationally say they support bombing Agrabah. Agrabah is the country from Aladdin. #NotTheOnion
— PublicPolicyPolling (@ppppolls) December 18, 2015
We asked the Agrabah question to Dem primary voters too. They oppose bombing 'it' 36/19, while GOP supports bombing 'it' 30/13
— PublicPolicyPolling (@ppppolls) December 18, 2015