HAMAS TERRORISTS, HILLARY & PAUL RYAN Have THIS In Common Regarding Trump’s Immigration Policy

Here’s an interesting look at who is on which side of this argument. What a coincidence that the people who agree with Hamas are Hillary and Speaker Ryan.
TEL AVIV – Palestinian terrorist organizations did not take kindly to Donald Trump’s call for a “total and complete shutdown of Muslims entering the United States until our country’s representatives can figure out what is going on.”
Responding to Trump’s proposal, Ismail Radwan, a Hamas leader and spokesman in Gaza, told Breitbart Jerusalem: “We do not estimate that the current U.S. administration, any administration, will implement these racist suggestions. This is a pathetic attempt to attribute terror exclusively to Muslims.”
Radwan, whose group’s charter calls for the murder of Jews and the destruction of Israel, lectured Trump: “Islam is a religion of peace, a religion which opposes bloodshed.”
Radwan glossed over Hamas’ own long and sordid history of bloodshed in the name of Islam, including thousands of terrorist attacks that have killed hundreds of Israelis. Hamas has been responsible for suicide bombings, shootings, and rocket attacks targeting Israeli neighborhoods.
Read more: Breitbart