HERE’S ONE QUESTION That Gun Control Morons Will NEVER Answer

Gun grabbers will never in a million years be able to answer this one simple question.
On the subject of gun control, the great Thomas Sowell wrote last November “How can anyone consider it to be either logical or moral to force other people to be defenseless because of a theory without any factual evidence? Yet that is what gun control laws amount to.”
Need any more proof? Just ask a gun control proponent this one question: what specific regulation would actually work in curtailing gun violence?
The correct answer is: none.
National Review reporter Charles Cooke once silenced an entire panel on MSNBC with such a question. The “Morning Joe” Panel of Mark Halperin, Howard Dean and Mika Brzezinski could not name a single policy that would have prevented the Oregon community college shooting.
And when it comes to that one question, policymakers are just as clueless as the pundits.
Read more: Allen B West