Obama Just Insulted Fallen Soldiers In The Most Despicable Way Possible…UNREAL

Unfortunately, in my military career I have attended one too many funerals — having to bury a brother in arms is one of my hardest things I’ve ever had to do. The three-volley salute is an honor earned by everyone who has ever served our country. When we laid our brothers to rest, there was a 21-gun salute, two service members to fold and present the American flag to the surviving family members, and a bugler to play taps.
The three-volley salute always breaks me down, but I understand the history, the honor that goes with it, and how much it means to the families of the fallen. I recently got news that the family of an Air force veteran who served for 30 years will not have the full benefits. A spokesman for the Air Force stated that due to the lack of funding and personnel, this will also affect all Air Force veterans across the country.
“Effective 1 December 2015, the 15th Wing Honor Guard will reduce retiree and veteran funeral details from a 7-person detail to a 3-person detail. This Headquarters Air Force level adjustment will provide manpower relief consistent with the current size of our base Honor Guard and the typical number of events we support. We are still committed to ensuring proper honors for qualified fallen military retirees and veterans. This 3-person team will include two individuals who will fold and present the interment flag and one who will play Taps.” – TRACY A. DANIEL, Maj, USAF, Commander, 647th Force Support Squadron.
Obama has no problem cutting military budgets, not honoring our veterans, treating them like garbage, and even trying to take away their health benefits. He also has no problem bringing thousands of refugees to our country and giving them a better way of life. Even more, he has no problem supporting lazy ass, non-contributing members to society with cell Phones, EBT Cards, and every other type of government assistance he can provide.
Dear President,
You keep wondering why the American troops dislike you, don’t respect you, and don’t see you as fit to lead the greatest country in the world. You will never be seen as our commander in chief — a real commander takes care of their troops first and you, sir, have never done that. The American people, the Troops and I are counting down the days until you leave office and we are assigned a leader who will take care of the 1% of the American population that is willing to die to defend us from all foreign and domestic enemies.