OBAMA Won’t Be At San Bernardino Funerals, Even Though He Delivered The Eulogy For…

Why did Obama deliver the eulogy for this massacre but won’t be present for the San Bernardino massacre?
President Barack Obama is not scheduled to attend any of the funerals for the victims of the San Bernardino terror attack nine days ago, Breitbart News has learned. He has yet to visit the town in the wake of the deadliest terror attack since 9/11.
The White House did not return a request for comment about the president’s schedule.
It is unknown to the public whether he will attend any funerals, the first of which took place on Thursday for victim Yvette Velasco. Two were scheduled for Friday morning, which Obama appears to be missing as well.
Obama delivered the eulogy at the memorial service this year for the victims of a racist mass murder at a church in Charleston, South Carolina. Obama used his remarks to push for gun control: “For too long, we’ve been blind to the unique mayhem that gun violence inflicts upon this nation,” he preached.
The White House also sent three representatives to the funeral of Michael Brown, the 18-year-old who robbed a store in Ferguson and later fought with police officer Darren Wilson. Massive Black Lives Matter protests had resulted from accusations that Wilson shot Brown in cold blood. Brown’s alleged gesture of surrender–“Hands up, don’t shoot”–was repeated by protesters, elected officials and celebrities. Wilson was later exonerated of killing Brown, and the “Hands up, don’t shoot” claim was found to be false.
Read more: Breitbart