The SAME System for Vetting ‘Refugees’ Missed This LIE On The Terror Bride’s Visa Application

If they made a mistake like this on her application, what make you think a few terrorist refugees won’t fall through the cracks?
The terrorist bride who went on a killing spree in San Bernardino on Friday, got into the country with a “fiance visa” on which she used a fake address and still the State Department can see no problem with the vetting process.
Not only did Tashfeen Malik use a fake address, she listed her home town as a town that doesn’t even exist, ABC News reported.
When State Department spokesperson Elizabeth Trudeau was asked Friday is she was satisfied with the application process that led to Malik getting into the country she said that she was.
“We stand behind our screening process for visas,” Trudeau told reporters.
Read more: Biz Pac Review