Before You Make Judgements About the Oregon Protestors, Read This

On the occupation of the Federal Office in Oregon:
I think everyone should take a step back and take a deep breath.
Trevor Loudon’s open letter contains great advice and wisdom.
I do not believe armed confrontation is effective, but I also realize the first Americans rebelled with arms and were called terrorists, so before everyone goes off half-cocked, I think cooler heads should prevail.
If the feds attack, we’ll have Waco and Ruby Ridge all over again, and if the Bundy group shoots back, Obama will have a pretense for confiscating guns and eradicating our right to self-defense.
One thing we can agree on, I hope, is this government is lawless, out of control, injurious to the rights of citizens, and headed in a direction that is completely contrary to the principles embodied in the Declaration and the Constitution.
These men in Oregon have decided the time has come to confront this government by any means. I still hold out for non-violent activism, but I cannot fault them for having the courage of their convictions.
Several people have floated the idea of sending in the Marines. It is illegal to use U.S. troops against citizens on American soil. Of course that won’t prevent Obama from mustering the National Guard because the law seems to be irrelevant in his mind. It is one thing to use the National Guard in natural disasters and riots, quite another to attack citizens for trespassing.
The bottom line truth is when a government becomes deaf to the voice of the people, and when that government works hard against the will of the people—destroying their rights, their liberty and their livelihoods—then the people have a right to take that government back and put it in its place. That is as American as it gets.
Equally American, the rule of law. We had better preserve it, because without that, we’ll all lose, giving the tyrant all the excuse he needs to take over and destroy our country, forever.
Image: Screen shot: