BRITISH CELEBRITY: ‘Muslim Men Have NO Respect for White Women – Or The Cultures Of The Countries They Are Invading’

Katie Hopkins is calling out the muslim invasion of Europe for what it is. The recent attacks and rapes in Germany prove that their way of life is incompatible with Western society and culture.
We might look back and say the last day of 2015 was the start of it.
The moment when displaced people became so angered by their miserable migrant lives, they decided to take it out on the women of Cologne.
The head of police said there was a relaxed atmosphere, and the New Year’s Eve celebrations passed off peacefully.
Yet there were two rapes, 100 attacks on women, and gangs 1,000-strong harassing and thieving from others. And still we are not supposed to talk about it.
One of the victims, identified only as Katja L, told the Kölner Express: ‘When we came out of the station, we were very surprised by the group we met, which was made up only of foreign men…We walked through the group of men, there was a tunnel through them, we walked through…I was groped everywhere.
‘It was a nightmare. Although we shouted and hit them, the men didn’t stop. I was horrified and I think I was touched around 100 times over the 200 metres.’
Cologne is a small case study for scenarios playing out all over Europe. It is a story repeated at Calais, across Germany and into France. And in African and Arabic countries where sexual violence is the norm.
White women are nothing to some Islamic and Arabic men. It’s the reason our girls were abused in Rochdale and Oxford and the reason white German women were raped in Cologne.
They see us as white trash. And we are no longer safe. These migrants are a cultural time-bomb, brought up in a different era, Islamic Bernard Mannings — incompatible with modern life.
Read more: Daily Mail