HERE IT IS: The Connection Between Islam and Pseudo-Feminism

Yes, there is a discernible connection between Muslims and pseudo-feminists: Both groups prefer ugly, hairy, and stinking women.
Pseudo-feminists who ridicule “sugar and spice” femininity are in agreement with an Islamic preacher of hate in Cologne, Germany.
Women with high self-esteem are ridiculed by feminist hairballs as “1950s housewives” who are out of touch with the times.
The Imam says it’s perfume and provocative clothing that force Muslim male mobs to assault hundreds of white women across Western Europe.
Historically, women have tried to make themselves attractive. It’s nature’s method of assuring progeny. In the warped minds of cultural Marxism, women should hate themselves for being natural women.
Islam agrees.
Imam Sami Abu-Yusuf told Russia’s REN TV that women are raped by Muslim male mobs because they make themselves attractive. His contention that women’s perfume and stylish clothing make them complicit to sexual assaults apparently serves as apologetics for sharia law.
It’s no wonder Muslim men force their women to be covered in head-to-toe hijabs. The black canvas hides hairy armpits while containing body odor.
“[T]he events of New Year’s Eve were the girls own fault, because they were half naked and wearing perfume. It is not surprising the men wanted to attack them. [Dressing like that] is like adding fuel to the fire,” the Imam reportedly explained.
The only thing more astonishing than the epidemic of Muslim males sexually assaulting women is the silence of pseudo-feminists; those who pretend to champion women’s rights.
• Reports have surfaced in Rotherham, England that staff members of the city council threatened parents of young rape victims. If parents complained, they risked losing their children.
The Sheffield Star reported this week that:
“[O]ne of 12 alleged victims had been told her children could be taken off her if she continued to do media interviews about her alleged experiences at the hands of defendant Arshid Hussain. The woman, known as Girl J, told a jury that attempts were made to stop her speaking to the press by two social workers from the council.”
One victim, now 30, was 14-years-old when made pregnant by Hussain.
Hundreds of young English girls were “groomed” by Islamic pedophiles in Rotherham.
Where are the feminists?
• A 13-year-old girl in Keighley, England told a court she was raped by over a dozen Muslim males between May, 2011 and June, 2012. At least one of the attackers was 59-years-old.
She was forced to her knees and held by the hair when she was raped in a disused underground parking lot, a jury heard according to the Telegraph & Argus newspaper.
“The girl said she was a 13-year-old virgin when a teenage drug dealer called Arif Choudhury raped her in the grounds of a church in Keighley,” the newspaper reported. “Soon afterwards, she claimed, he introduced her to other men and forced her to have sex with them.”
Such brutal assaults are permissible under shariah law.
It’s also presumably permissible under the ideology of pseudo-feminism, providing the attackers are Muslims and not white-privileged males.
• According to the Swedish website, a 15-year-old girl was kidnapped and raped by Muslims in the town of Tensta, just north of Stockholm.
One of the attackers held a gun to the teen’s head to prevent her from screaming while others took turns raping her. The gunman then forced the gun’s barrel in the girl’s vagina causing damage and heavy bleeding. She was later driven to Rinkeby where she was forced into a basement and gang raped again.
We wonder what perfume she was wearing to warrant such a brutal attack.
After her escape, police were able to arrest her attackers. They were sentenced to no more than five years. One, a teenager, was sentenced to one year and four months of youth custody due to his age.
Where is the outrage from pseudo-feminists?
•, a major British newspaper, reports that a 17-year-old girl was raped in Germany at a public swimming pool. Her 14-year-old sister was sexually assaulted, the report says.
Three boys — all aged under 15 — were arrested. All were Syrians. The attackers were accused of groping the victims. They forced their hands under the girls’ swimsuits. Though placed under arrest, the suspects were released by police because of their age. The alleged attackers were asylum seekers.
Still no word from pseudo-feminists.
• The attacks are so widespread that the Regensburg, Germany council is considering a law that would segregate the city’s mass transit system. Public buses would be required to provide seating areas exclusively for women, allowing them to travel without being sexually molested by Muslim males. The proposed law is similar to the old Jim Crow laws of America’s deep South, except people would be segregated by gender rather than race.
Meanwhile, pseudo-feminism is sticking to its story that white-male privilege — a non-existent abstract concocted in the minds of the psychotic left — remains its sole concern.