GUESS WHO’S COMING TO DINNER: Look Who Gets to Question The GOP Candidates Mañana
What could possibly go wrong? Everyone was wondering if Fox News was going to have anyone more biased than Megyn Kelly at the GOP debate…well, apparently they will.
Fox News and Google have invited three YouTube personalities to ask questions at the Jan. 28 GOP debate — including a Muslim advocate who describes Donald Trump as a bigot and who visually portrayed him as being in agreement with national socialist Adolf Hitler.
“We have a presidential candidate whose loudest message reeks of hatred and Islamophobia… turning on the news now is scary, and oftentimes, humiliating,” the Muslim woman, Nabela Noor, says in a December YouTube video.
She admits to becoming a Muslim political activist amid the growing criticism of Islam’s doctrines. “The current social environment for Muslims today is not safe or just… as a Muslim American, I felt like I needed to use my voice,” she claimed.
Noor also urged her YouTube viewers to rally against critics of Islam. “I’m so thankful for those who speak up and out against anti-Islamic speech and ideologies. Our community needs more allies like you, but we have a long way to go,” she said.
The two companies announced Tuesday afternoon that the anti-Trump Muslim advocate would be allowed to play a role in the debate.
Google is teaming up with the Fox News Channel for the final Republican debate in Iowa on Thursday, January 28, 2016, and integrating three new components into the debate to help people get informed before they head to the polls, including a way to hear directly from candidates on Google; real-time Google Trends data; and questions from three of YouTube’s most prominent voices—Nabela Noor, Mark Watson, and Dulce Candy — who will join the moderators in the debate to ask the candidates a question on an issue that matters to them and their communities.
Read more: Breitbart
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A YouTube star named "Dulce Candy" will be asking questions at the FoxNews debate tomorrow.
— Michelle Malkin (@michellemalkin) January 27, 2016
FoxNews debate questioner Dulce Candy was an illegal immigrant. I'm sure her q will be fair.
— Michelle Malkin (@michellemalkin) January 27, 2016
And here's background on another FoxNews debate questioner tomorrow – Nabela Noor:
— Michelle Malkin (@michellemalkin) January 27, 2016