“PRETEND TO BE A CHRISTIAN”: Handbook Instructs Muslims To Shave Beard, Wear Cross Before Killing

Here’s the latest strategy from ISIS for attacking the West. You might want to start packing heat everywhere you go if you aren’t already.
ISIS has issued a handbook for Muslims in the West. The gist of the instruction booklet is the necessity to blend in with the Western way of life and to avoid “looking like a Muslim” — pretend to be Christian — so as to stay below the radar of the security services. This is important. It is key to understanding the enemy and their tactics.
“Pretend to be Christians: ISIS urges UK jihadis to cut beards, shun mosques & wear crosses,” By Leda Reynolds, Express, January 11, 2016 (thanks to Christian):
WOULD-BE jihadis eager to carry out a Paris-style attack in the UK have been handed a chilling step-by-step guide by Islamic State (ISIS) thugs.The booklet, called Safety and Security Guidelines for Lone Wolf Mujahideen, offers a chilling insight into the levels of preparation expected of those wishing to cause carnage in Europe. The 58-page terror manual, which has burning western-style buildings on the front cover, gushes about the importance of surprise when launching an attack to cause maximum impact.It urges home-grown terrorists to carry out attacks as they are less likely to be noticed. It also explains how nightclubs, full of loud music and drunk people, are the perfect place to discuss terror plans without being recorded or snooped on.The main thrust of the instruction booklet is the necessity to blend in with the western way of life and to avoid ‘looking like a Muslim’ so as to stay below the radar of the security services.
Read more: Pamela Geller