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News Clash

QUESTION: Is Iran Our New Best Friend Or Are They Playing Obama Like A Drum?

The whole “Iran is our new BFF” thing has more plot twists than M Night Shyamalan.

They were once charter members of the Axis of Evil, which had something to do with their ongoing support of Syria and Hezbollah, and their proxy war against Israel. The “Death to America” slogans probably didn’t help either. But now, they are “oh! so wonderful”, and we have a treaty with them.

Others have already weighed in on the heavily one-sided aspects of that treaty, complaints that Iran gained everything and gave up nothing.

Then there was the capture of the American soldiers, (does anyone have the real story there yet?) and the public humiliation they received. The “American weakness” presented in those images will be a far greater recruiting tool for America’s enemies than some dumb soundbite by any would-be elected official on either side of the aisle.

Meanwhile, American officials tripped over themselves praising how wonderful Iran was in their treatment of the American “guests” that were pictured kneeling in front of their “gracious hosts”.

There were prisoner swaps. We had 3 released (one is still being held) to the 14 prisoners they had released. (Although I suppose the numbers move closer if you factor the Americans on those 2 boats into the prisoner exchange math.) Robert Levinson, however, is still is held by Iran.

There were old sanctions lifted, even while new ones added. Iran has abided by the *nuclear* treaty, so they’re going to get what they were promised but eleven individuals and companies face brand new sanctions. That’s because Iran conducted a ballistic missile test in October. (But don’t worry. Iran assures us the missile is for conventional payloads only. I’m sure that’s a great comfort to Israel.)

And there is the small matter of the money being given to Iran. A judge ruled that Iran was owed that money from back in the 1970’s and the difference is only an interest penalty (Kerry calls it fair). No word on whether any of that cash will be garnished to pay damages Iran owes in the USS Cole ruling, but seeing this negotiating team’s work so far, I’m not holding my breath.

That’s Iran. Our Best Frenemy Forever. Now excuse me while go I look up Valeri Jarrett’s bio and job description. It seems to me that should be relevant to this discussion somehow, if I could only remember why…

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Wes Walker

Wes Walker is the author of "Blueprint For a Government that Doesn't Suck". He has been lighting up since its inception in July of 2012. Follow on twitter: @Republicanuck