#WAR ON THE MILITIA: Family of Slain OR Militiaman Claim He Was Shot In The BACK With His Hands Up … Bundy Bros Denied Bail

If this had happened to a #BlackLivesMatter protestor, do you think it would still be getting the same media attention?
The family of an anti-government protester who was killed by law enforcement agents near an occupied US wildlife refuge in Oregon said on Friday that it seems his death was unjustified and that he was shot in the back while posing no threat.
The relatives of Robert LaVoy Finicum said they were not accepting at face value the FBI’s statement that the 54-year-old rancher from Arizona had been armed when he was fatally shot after fleeing from a traffic stop on Tuesday.
‘LaVoy was not “charging’ anyone”. He appears to have been shot in the back, with his hands in the air,’ Finicum’s family said in a statement via their attorney. ‘At this point we will await the outcome of any investigation, but based on the information currently available to us, we do not believe that LaVoy’s shooting death was justified.’
The family’s comments come as a federal judge denied bond for Ammon Bundy and other members of the group that occupied the refuge who were arrested following the shooting of Finicum.
Read more: Daily Mail