WATCH: Black Democrat Urges People To Do… WHAT TO COPS?!

Instead of this city councilman calling for peace, he wants his constituents to declare war on police officers. Good luck to him when he has to call the cops for an emergency.
A Mississippi councilman has sparked controversy after calling for dramatic action against police.
Kenneth Stokes, a councilman in Jackson Ward, says he wants his constituents to send a message to police officers from other jurisdictions who chase misdemeanor suspects through their territory.
“What I suggest is we get the black leadership together, and as these jurisdictions come into Jackson we throw rocks and bricks and bottles at them. That will send a message we don’t want you in here,” he said, reported WLBT.
Stokes also said he’s looking into suing police from other jurisdictions who enter Jackson Ward.
According to Stokes’ bio on the Ward’s website, he was first elected in 1989. He served for six terms before becoming a county supervisor, but returned to the council in a special election after his wife was made a county judge.
Read more: Epoch Times