QUESTION: Should The Pope Tear Down Vatican City’s Wall And Build A Bridge For Muslim Refugees?

If the Pope thinks that building a wall is ‘not Christian,’ do you think that he should tear down the wall surrounding The Vatican City and build a bridge instead?
Watch Diamond and Silk, the two famous Trump supporters, put the Pope on FULL blast in this HILARIOUS video. Enjoy:
Katie Hopkins also slammed the Pope for refusing to tear down the ‘wall of silence that’s protected pervert priests for decades.’ Check it out…
Your mother probably told you—mine told me—that you should never talk about religion or politics in polite company.
Fortunately most of the company I keep is not very polite.
But I happen to like it when people speak their mind. I believe this world would be a far safer place if we all said exactly what we thought and were not cowed by consequences, silenced by the strong arm of the law or the madness of the mob on twitter.
There are a few exceptions.
If you are given a platform by your job, have the decency to stick to your specialist subject.
A man who lives behind Vatican Walls so high and wide, wants to lecture the American people on who is godly and who isn’t? With your pedo priests and wall of silence about them? Really?
You are nothing sir, but a bleeding heart liberal, imagining the world is a beautiful place, with migrants fuelled by God and love – not drugs and guns.
There are 11 million illegal immigrants inside the USA as we speak. And you want to build a bridge so more can come? You sir, are delusional.
Are you handing out free passes to Disneyland whilst you are about it, lovely? Because that’s how big a fantasy this land of yours is.
Where is the money coming from to pay for all of this generosity? Where is the giant cash cow in the sky? Or is the milk of human kindness going to buy them food or healthcare?
Your business, the business of the Catholic Church, is doing very nicely thank you. We know of $20 million in gold in the Federal Reserve and $7.3 billion in the bank but there is still significant opacity in the net worth of the Vatican to hide a thousand sins. Which tells you all you need to know.
America, in contrast has a national debt equivalent to $232,627 for every person living in the USA*. And the ones you don’t know about are getting more numerous by the day.
Read more: Daily Mail
Donald Trump also fired back at the Pope for his comments about building a wall:
Donald Trump struck a hybrid tone Thursday night on his day-long tiff with the Vatican, saying he thought Pope Francis‘ comments about his faith were overblown – but poking fun at the Pontiff for living in a city surrounded by a giant protective wall.
‘I think it was probably a little bit nicer statement than was reported by you folks in the media,’ Trump told CNN’s Anderson Cooper during a presidential town hall broadcast.
‘Because after I read it, it was a little bit softer. But the bottom line is we’ve got to have a border, we’ve got to have security. We have tremendous illegal immigration in the country.’
‘He also talked about [how] having a wall is not Christian,’ Trump observed of the Pope’s words.
‘And he’s got an awfully big wall at the Vatican, I will tell you.’
Trump reiterated his months-long contention that ‘we’re going to build a wall, and Mexico’s going to pay for the wall. And that’s the way it is.’
Read more: Daily Mail