Are Trump’s Prior Political Positions A Cause For Concern?
At Saturday night’s Republican debate, the real Donald Trump returned to the spotlight. Frankly, his behavior was unbelievably bad. The crowning blow was when he actually blamed George W. Bush for 9/11 – not once, but twice. He ranted, he raved, he interrupted, he insulted, he was rude, he was totally out of control – irrationally out of control!
How could anyone be for Donald Trump under these circumstances? He’s running for the Presidency of the United States – the leader of the free-world – our representative in the world – and he behaves like an immature egocentric child.
Gallagher’s Law states: If it looks good it usually gets better, if it looks bad it usually gets worse. Clearly, there is no better example of the truth of this maxim than the candidacy of Donald Trump.
Originally, right from the start, I disapproved of Donald Trump as the Republican nominee. His behavior and representation skills were unbelievably out-of-line. However, after listening to an interview of Trump on the Colin Cowherd Show, I change my mind. He came through as a mature, polished, logical and informed candidate. It seemed I had gotten it wrong with my earlier evaluation.
As you may remember, Trump called for the impeachment of President George W. Bush on the Wolf Blitzer show in 2008. He claimed President Bush lied us into the Iraq war. Trump reconfirmed that position on the George Stephanopoulos Sunday news show.
Again, on Saturday night Trump said President Bush was responsible for 911 – that he did not keep our country safe. Also, he confirmed his support of the government’s funding of Planned Parenthood, saying that they do good work (abortion and the selling of baby parts).
Frankly, with views like these it is impossible to understand how Trump can claim to be a conservative Republican. It is difficult to understand how Republican, Independent and Reagan Democrat voters in South Carolina and elsewhere can support this egocentric, narcissistic, out-of-control candidate.
Upon closer inspection, one could argue that Trump has only 30% of the Republican primary voters – which means that over 60% favor someone else. Unfortunately, that 60% is spread out over five other candidates, leaving Trump in the lead, when the vast majority want a true Republican, i.e., someone else.
The best debate the Republicans had was when Trump was absent during the Iowa caucus. Real issues were discussed. Saturday night’s debate was the horrible opposite, with Trump’s verbose unwillingness to allow the participants to present a perspective that offended him. Obviously , he reserves for himself the right to be brutally and even violently opposed to others having the right to criticize him and his positions. And for the second debate in a row, he has even taken on the audience, which booed him extensively. Frankly, I’ve returned to my earlier assessment of Trump — that there is something mentally or sociologically wrong with this guy.
Frankly, I voted Republican for the past 40 years, but I could not vote for Trump if he becomes the GOP’s standard-bearer – a hopelessly misguided, out-of-control, immature, narcissistic leftist – masquerading as a conservative Republican.
Image: Courtesy of Gagte Skidmore via: