If Vaginas Are An Acceptable Part of Political Discourse — Why Aren’t Penises?

Vaginas have been an acceptable part of political discourse for years. So why are people upset over Donald Trump making a penis reference?
Donald Trump’s penis reference came during a recent Republican presidential primary debate. Conservatives flipped out over this. I didn’t.
After all, Democrats have been saying to “stay out of women’s vaginas” for years. No one objects to this. Or at least no one is able to make the Democrats suffer for making this a part of political discourse.
And does everyone forget that Obama and the Democrats won the 2012 presidential election by saying that Republicans want to deny women access to birth control?
I’m assuming they have. So here’s a little reminder (courtesy of the Daily Mail) of the nonsense that went on in 2012.
A Michigan elected who was censored after using the word “vagina” in an abortion debate performed controversial play Vagina Monologues on the steps of the state Capitol in Lansing last night.
Lisa Brown and ten other female legislators read the play where the word is featured over 100 times alongside the play’s author, Eve Ensler in front of an estimated 2,500 people.
What started as a personal protest against Ms Brown’s one-day gagging order turned into a rally for women’s rights and freedom of speech.
Brown was silenced during a heated debate of a proposed bill restricting abortions. She said: “Mr. Speaker, I’m flattered that you’re all so interested in my vagina, but ‘no’ means “no.”
And just in case you aren’t familiar with the Vagina Monologues, read this analysis (from 2000) on how it originally featured the lesbian “good rape” of a 13-year-old girl.
Conservatism has failed to make the left pay a price for using “stay out of women’s vaginas” in political discourse. Conservatism has also failed—for over 15 years—to make the left pay a price for using the Vagina Monologues as a rallying cry.
So you’ll excuse me if I don’t join the rest of conservatism in wailing over Donald Trump referring to his penis in a political debate.
The abject failure of conservatism in every aspect of life has led to the left destroying America and leading us to where we are today. Things are going to be rough from now on. Get used to it.
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