Megyn Kelly BAITS Trump Voters To RIOT At GOP Convention, Trump Voters BLAST Her On Twitter

Megyn Kelly tweeted out a quote that was very clear in its intentions: to bait Trump supporters to riot at the GOP Convention. But she wasn’t expecting the serious backlash that was to follow after sending out such incendiary words to her millions of followers. Here was here original Tweet:
Ben Domenech: If Trump supporters want to come to Cleveland & riot…let them & they will find out what the party of law & order is all about.
— Megyn Kelly (@megynkelly) March 18, 2016
And users on Twitter, mostly Trump supporters, had plenty to say about it:
@megynkelly I'm more worried about the anti-trump crowd
— Diane N. (@Driverd57) March 18, 2016
@megynkelly would love for you to be honest just once. Haven't seen that in months
— Mark (@RealMarkMonte) March 18, 2016
@sharkbait501 @megynkelly that's all it is. Same with Beck, Levin on the radio. I have lost a lot of respect for many I always liked. Sad
— Mark (@RealMarkMonte) March 18, 2016