Scott Walker Endorses Ted Cruz in Wisconsin Push
Is the GOP Establishment desperate to do anything they can to prevent a Donald Trump nomination?
The Bush, Cruz, Rubio, Romney, Ryan, McConnell faction has united and is moving into high gear to steal the nomination from Trump. The immediate plan is an all out bid to deprive Donald Trump of victory – and the delegates – in Wisconsin.
Governor Scott Walker, long reliant on Koch money, will endorse Cruz. A victory in Wisconsin for Cruz makes the big steal possible. A loss there makes the big steal much more difficult.
The power-brokers’ short term game is clear; stall Trump just short of the magic number of delegates needed to be nominated on the first ballot with the knowledge that many delegates bound on the first ballot by Trump primary and caucus victories would be unbound on a second ballot. Much in the way the RNC stacked the galleries with anti-Trump partisans in the last two debates, anti-Trump quislings are being planted in various delegations that will be free to betray Trump on subsequent ballots.
Some Republican state chairmen, for example, in Texas, New York, Massachusetts, Michigan, Connecticut, North Dakota, and other states, are planting “Trojan Horse” delegates into slots won by Trump on the first ballot.
Read more: Info Wars