The Incompatibility of Christianity and Liberalism Explained — SHARE This

This particular installment is directed specifically at my fellow Christians, and will no doubt end up offending some. Well, I’ve reached the point where I don’t care. Some things need to be said.
I find it unconscionable for any Christian to proudly proclaim to be a liberal. I’d have more respect for someone who is Jewish who joined the Nazi party. How can a Christian align themselves with a political philosophy that promotes everything that is anti-Christian? Do Christians who call themselves Democrats even understand what their party of choice stands for?
While space doesn’t allow a long discourse on every liberal talking point, let’s at least look at a few of the more specific examples of the aforementioned incompatibility.
*Liberalism desires to replace God with the state.
Just look around for examples on this one. It doesn’t take a frikkin’ village to raise a child. Anyone who refuses to bow to the gay agenda is either fined, fired, or, in the case of Kim Davis from Kentucky, jailed. Once again, there isn’t space for all the specific examples, but start doing your homework. Take note of how many instances where the state has started to replace or restrict things that were once part of the Christian heritage of the United States. The removal of Ten Commandments plaques, certain historical markers and statues, and any part of our country’s heritage that isn’t PC enough is just the beginning.
*Social Justice or true compassion.
One of the foundations of liberalism is the concept of Social Justice. But what exactly is social justice? Definitions can vary somewhat, but it comes down to: the fair and proper administration of laws so that all persons are treated equally and without prejudice.
Okay, makes sense, but refer back to some of the examples in the previous point. Don’t want to bake a cake for a gay couple? Guess who gets the real, fair and equal treatment from that situation. I grew up in a country where a business could choose to serve or not serve a customer, and where that customer could go anywhere they wanted to, to obtain services. What the hell happened?
Granted, social justice is a great concept, but when implementation is forced, it is neither truly social or just. As an individual, I am only responsible for my own actions and behavior. I can’t right the wrongs or take responsibility for the actions of other middle aged white guys. And I’m certainly not responsible for anything that happened years–even centuries–ago.
Probably the best example of Christ’s own response to social justice is found in the parable of the Good Samaritan (Luke 10:25-37). The wounded man in the parable was indeed helped by the Samaritan, but pay attention to the exact wording of the text. After tending to his wounds, the Samaritan took the man to an inn, a public place, and paid for his care. He did not take him to his home, thus potentially endangering himself, his family, or his community. His compassion wasn’t coerced. Rather, his compassion was voluntary, and his compassion was tempered with wisdom. Therefore, think in terms of what a truly Christian response should be to the Syrian “refugee” crisis (i.e. invasion). We can indeed help, but we don’t have to do it in our own homes.
*Liberalism and personal responsibility.
Liberals reliance on government means someone else will always have to pay the expenses and take the responsibility. And it’s just not with government hand-out programs. Young liberals seemingly have no clue what responsibility is. All the burger-flippers who want $15 per hour have lost sight of the reality that a responsible employee actually is supposed to work himself or herself up to the point where they’re worth that kind of pay.
Not having to take personal responsibility for your own actions and needs is a cornerstone of liberalism. Christ, however, puts a heavy emphasis on personal responsibility.
The best example is found in the story of the Roman Centurion who sought healing for a servant (Matthew 8:5-13). It’s noteworthy that the Centurion didn’t have to approach Christ personally, As one who understood authority and power, he could have had another do it for him. ( As a side note: A Centurion was not a common Roman soldier. Centurions were commanders and were either promoted to that rank because of bravery in battle or could be appointed by the Roman Senate. They had to be literate, at least 30 years of age, and have years of military service and training. )
Here was a Roman citizen, raised as a pagan, who somewhere along the line had a true spiritual awakening and knew who Christ really was. In spite of his position and authority, he didn’t feel worthy for Christ to come to his home. He simply requested the very word of Christ. He took personal responsibility for something that actually involved the need of another person. Christ in turn marveled that even the Jews didn’t have such faith and ethics.
All these examples sort of intertwine when you look at specifics. Each is meant to take God and personal responsibility out of the daily lives of all who follow liberalism.
One the most blasphemous things I’ve ever heard is that Jesus Christ would probably be a Democrat if he came back right now and got involved in politics. Well, for Christ to be a Democrat, he would…
*…have to believe in infanticide. He would therefore have felt that the actions of Herod The Great would have been justified.
*…not have healed anyone because to heal one person would mean that someone else was being excluded. That would not be “universal coverage” and would not be “fair”.
*…not have participated in the Passover or any of the Jewish holy days, festivals or traditions. That would be showing favoritism for one religion over another and would therefore not be multi-cultural.
*…could not offer salvation to anyone. Because salvation is by choice, it is therefore exclusionary, even though it’s God’s own will that salvation is for everyone (Jn 3:16, I Tim. 2:4) Once again, it’s not “fair” that some would be saved but not everyone.
…and, if Christ were to be a Democrat, He would have to deny His own deity. The Democrats booed the inclusion of the God in their national platform during their 2012 convention and by doing so, they’ve denied Christ as well.
I have to say that I’m getting increasingly tired of Christians who just don’t wish to get involved in the political discourse of our times. Sure, we can all “pray that God will take care of everything”…and He will. But we’re here for a reason. This is our world and it’s our responsibility to deal with the lies and ugliness we face daily.
I Jn. 4:4 tells us “…greater is He that is in you than he that is in the world.” While the world and even some churches and pastors want to portray Christ to be about as powerful as some limp-wristed stoner pansy, that is not who we serve. Christ is not a Democrat or a socialist, offering cradle-to-grave butt-wiping, unicorns, rainbows and perpetual freebies to everybody. No, He came to stir things up. (Matthew 10:34-37) Even more specific are these words: “Suppose you that I am come to give peace on earth? I tell you nay, but rather division.” (Luke 12:51)
I already have liberal Christians who won’t speak to me any more. While I hate loosing friends I’ve known for years, it’s coming down to that. There’s too much at stake. Do we serve God and take personal responsibility for our lives? Do we own our mistakes and learn from them, or blame others? Do we finally grow up and realize that there is a compatibility problem between the Christ of the Bible and the liberalism of this world? That’s not a question anyone should even have to consider.