TRANS AM: This LIMITED Edition T/A Will Make Every 50-60yr. Old Man HOWL Like A Coyote
If you’re a huge fan of Smokey and the Bandit, then you’re definitely going to want this on your Christmas list this year.
For some of us, seeing Smokey and the Bandit for the first time was more memorable than our first kiss. Hearing that black Trans Am crank up and roll down the loading ramps of Snowman’s truck was something we’ll never forget. This movie has a cult following, and that’s pretty much because in some way, we all kind of want to be the Bandit. To be the Bandit, you’ve got to have the right car, shy of paying big bucks for a replicated Bandit Edition Trans Am from YearOne, there hasn’t been much when it comes to options, until now. Burt Reynolds, the Bandit himself, has just introduced a new coming of the Bandit Trans Am, and it is pure awesomeness.
Read more: GM-EFI