Muslim ‘Refugees’ Leave Home In DISGUSTING Condition — You’ll GAG At What Was On the WALLS
When you see what these ‘refugees’ did to this asylum home, you are going to gag. Is this what you want to happen here in America?
Asylum seekers have left an asylum home and have smeared blood, vomit and faeces all over the walls according to police.
In preparation for the visit of U.S. President Barack Obama, riot police in the German town of Hameln needed somewhere for the officers to stay overnight. The police were offered a barracks that previously held migrants but were shocked to discover that the past residents had smeared faeces, vomit and blood all over the walls of the former asylum home reportsJunge Freiheit.
North Rhine-Westphalia police refused the accommodation due to the unsanitary conditions the barracks had been left in. The Facebook page of the German police union posted pictures of the former migrant home saying, “semen, blood and faeces on the walls and in the beds. Inside cockroaches were eating.”
The union went on to say that the officers would not sleep in the conditions and preferred to spend the night in their vehicles instead. (Breitbart)
Breitbart also reports that young children have been raped in the bathrooms in a Greek town where migrants are living:
Greek authorities are investigating after numerous reports of extreme violence and sex assault among the migrants living in the shanty town established among the abandoned former Athens International Airport.
Thousands of migrants are now being moved from the former Ellinikon Airport to dispersed camps around Greece. Yet the policy of moving out the “troublemakers” first means many families are refusing to go or are making their own way back to the airport.
The initial arrival of the young men means they have had time to establish themselves in the new camps. A report by The Times quotes an Afghan father of five who said of the new camps: “It’s like the Wild West there… I’m not going back. Neither are my children”.
Read more: Breitbart