QUESTION: #BlackLivesMatter SPITS On Trump Rally Attendant… What If They Spit On YOU?
What would you do if a #BlackLivesMatter protester spit on you at a Trump rally? Would you take it or would you fight back? Watch what happened in this altercation below:
Shock video footage shows a ‘Black Lives Matter’ protester spitting in a Trump supporter’s face during an event in Albany, New York last night.
“And what? And what?” the black woman repeatedly yells at the Trump supporter, who is arguing with her.
Within seconds, the African-American woman launches a glob of spit that covers the Trump supporter’s face as she recoils.
The Trump supporter then holds up her cellphone in an attempt to get a photograph of the culprit, before a number of black hands immediately go up to block the camera.
“That bitch just f**king spit in my face!” yells the Trump supporter, before another ‘Black Lives Matter’ demonstrator begins to argue with her.
Read more: Info Wars