WATCH: What This Chick Said About #CorruptHillary Is HILARIOUS And BRUTAL

What do Bernie Sanders supporters REALLY think about Hillary Clinton? Well, you might actually agree with them on something. Check this out.
From one supporter of Democratic presidential hopeful Bernie Sanders saying rival Hillary Clinton is “the devil” to another saying he is “Bernie or bust,” the possibility of a united party under the former secretary of state doesn’t look too promising.
When Fox News contributor David Webb, a conservative radio host, went to a Sanders campaign rally in Washington Square Park, New York, Sunday, supporters of the Vermont senator shared their honest opinions of Clinton — something Fox News host Sean Hannity described as “not pretty.”
“I think she’s honest to the people that pay her,” one Sanders rally-goer said of Clinton when asked if he trusts her.
Another Sanders supporter said, “She’s OK. I don’t wanna be mean,” and then Webb told her she can be honest. ”She’s the devil,” the young woman shot back.
When Webb asked another young man if he could support Clinton if she wins the Democratic nomination, he quickly replied, “Absolutely not, absolutely not. I’m Bernie or bust, that’s it. Bernie, or there’s going to be a revolution in this country.”
Read more: The Blaze