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Black Rapper, Azealia Banks, Just BLASTED Hillary, ‘She Talks To BLACKS Like We’re…

This black female rapper just put Hillary on FULL blast — and even made some statements about Donald Trump that will come as a shock to many. #BlackLivesMatter folks who hate Trump are definitely not going to like this.

Donald Trump can add another member of Hollywood to his list of supporters.

On Saturday afternoon, singer Azealia Banks expressed her support for the GOP candidate in a spree of tweets, kicking off the conversation with, “I REALLY want Donald Trump to win the election.”

In her series of tweets, Banks defended Trump and his outspoken opinions. “Trump is an asshole but he’s not been groomed and programmed on some mkultra tip to DO & SAY what the establishment wants him to,” she began and added, “Trump just wants the U.S to be lavish … for all of us. I can f— with that.”

So why is the singer not pledging a vote to Hillary Clinton? “Hillary has been GROOMED for the presidency. She’s another one of the establishments robots here to carry out an agenda,” Banks tweeted. “Hillary talks to black people as if we’re children or pets. i can’t stand herrrrrrr.”

Read more: Hollywood Reporter

More and more black Americans are starting to come behind Donald Trump. These women prove just that:

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