DEAR TAXPAYER: Would You Like to FUND This Muslim With 3 Wives & 20 Kids?
This Muslim migrant with 3 wives and 20 wants taxpayers to foot the bill for his entire family — and the worst part is that he claims he is too sick to work. Would you want to be the taxpayer funding him? Or would you tell him to go back to where he came from?
Would You Like to FUND This Muslim With 3 Wives & 20 Kids?
Politicians in Denmark have condemned the asylum seeker policy which will allow Daham Al Hasan to rake in thousands in benefits once his huge family is reunited.
The 47-year-old fled war-torn Syria two years ago with a wife and eight children before arriving in Denmark.
The unemployed migrant, who claims to be too sick to work, has now been granted family reunification for his remaining 12 children and two wives who are still in Syria.
The approval will see the Danish taxpayer fork out 214,128 Danish Kroners (£21,883) in child support for the family each year.
Outraged officials have raised concerns about the policy and suggested the Syrian man is exploiting the country’s welfare system.
Integration spokesperson for the Conservatives, Naser Khader, said: “It is highly problematic that a Syrian refugee can be allowed to call himself sick to avoid working and learning Danish, so he can support… 20 children.”
The politician added it should not be possible for someone who does not intend to work to be given such vast sums and called for Denmark to implement an upper limit for the number of children a person can claim contributions for.
Khader said: “We need to save and it can’t be right that a man, who has not contributed, is granted hundreds of thousands in child support.”
Read more: Express