Glenn Beck: God Extended The Primary So Every State Could Choose Between ‘Good or Evil’

Is Glenn Beck getting weirder as this primary continues? Or do you think he makes sense? He just claimed that God is working in this primary.
In a fiery rally speech for Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) on Sunday night, Glenn Beck expressed his belief that God has sent us Cruz as “a man who was raised for these times,” and that God has deliberately prolonged the GOP primary season so that every state in the union will be forced to choose between “good or evil.”
Beck opened his speech by affirming the importance of the Indiana primary, which many political observers regard as a make-or-break moment for Cruz.
“This is going to be a place of miracles,” Beck said. “This is the place that’s going to change the course of American history, and it’s all going to come down to you. The question is, are you ready?”
He then stressed what he regards as the divine importance of this moment in American history.
“Make no mistake, we are being watched,” Beck stated. “We’re being watched by the whole world, but we’re being watched by our Maker. And as Thomas Paine said, ‘Heaven knows how to attach a proper price to something as so sacred and celestial as freedom.’”
He was apparently paraphrasing “The Crisis,” where Paine writes: “Heaven knows how to set a proper price upon its goods; and it would be strange indeed, if so celestial an article as Freedom should not be highly rated.”
Read more: Breitbart
Joe Scarborough thinks that Glenn Beck should be focusing more on his collapsing empire than on campaigning for Ted Cruz. Do you agree? Watch his comments below: