Do guns cause crime? I was at this year’s NRA annual convention. This was the place to find out if guns cause crime. I joined 80 thousand NRA members in one building for three days. The answer is in and guns do not cause crime! Here is what I saw… and what I did NOT see.
Attendees came from every segment of society. Women were very well represented, as were families with children. NRA members represent the US as a whole.
I was with about twenty thousand responsibly armed civilians as we stood together in one room for hours on end. Besides the personally owned guns we carried, there were thousands more firearms on display. We had access to millions of rounds of ammunition. This is the most concentrated assembly of armed civilians I can find.
If guns cause crime, then more guns should cause more crime. More armed people should cause more crime. More armed civilians carrying for a longer period should cause more crime. We should have seen the effects of going armed. We accumulated sixty thousand armed-man-days. That is about 160 armed-man-years. We should have seen the result if guns cause crime. We didn’t see a thing.
Not a single armed individual was violent. Responsibly armed civilians don’t cause crime. In fact, crime fell in Louisville that weekend. Crime falls whenever the NRA comes to town.
Do guns cause crime? Not a single gun jumped up on its own and shot anyone. The guns on display didn’t even threaten anyone.
The results of this experiment are exactly what you expected. We cannot prove that guns don’t cause crime. What we do know is this; if guns cause an epidemic of crime, then NRA members are the vaccine.
Image: Screen Grab: