WATCH: Cruz TRYING To Hold Carly’s Hand Will Haunt You To The GRAVE
This video of Ted Cruz trying to hold hands with Carly Fiorina will make you cringe.
Watch as this awkward encounter unfolds and try not to be haunted:
ted cruz trying to hold hands with carly fiorina will haunt you to the grave:
— Sam Stryker (@sbstryker) May 2, 2016
Here were some of the hilarious reactions on Twitter:
@sbstryker @BuzzFeedAndrew Looks like they're synchronizing gang signs.
— Ruslan Seyidov (@ruslanseyid) May 2, 2016
@sbstryker @AHBonenberger Masons. Secret handshake. I knew it.
— Joseph Britt (@Zathras3) May 2, 2016
@sbstryker It's actually the secret gay handshake, started back in the '60s. Surprised anyone still uses it.
— Jim Walters (@LordOfWalteria) May 2, 2016
@sbstryker what are they having a thumb war?
— John M Araujo (@JohnAraujo62) May 2, 2016