WILL ‘BLACK LIVES MATTER’ Make a Difference at 2016 Presidential Conventions?

Now that the two presumptive presidential candidates for the Democrat and Republican party are all but conclusive, will the group “Black Lives Matter” enter the political fray at the nominating conventions? Seemingly, like a bad penny that just keeps showing up, the group that purports to care about the fate of black people and their lives will most likely rear their organizational head at both conventions.
In truth, does that really matter?
“Black Lives Matter” has been for the most part as close to an extortionist organization as one can be when it comes to dramatizing alleged widespread police crimes against black teens and young people, while collecting money to do so. But have their accusations been more smoke than facts in their assertions?
One can be certain that the historical fictional account which gave birth to the so-called movement will be on full display first, in Cleveland, Ohio, the host city of the RNC convention. There will be angry fists thrusts into the air and plenty of signs displaying the “Hands Up” slogan which turned out to be a lie. Remember how this was the slogan used to foster the false propaganda that on August 9, 2014, 18-year-old Michael Brown was fatally shot by police officer Darren Wilson in Ferguson, Missouri with his hands up?
The evidence and witness testimony that surfaced later that fall proved that Brown did not have his hands up. Instead the facts demonstrate that the young man was preparing to again rush the police officer, after having made an initial attempt to take Wilson’s gun away from him.
Of course that lie escalated into an avalanche of demonization of white police officers who became open targets for liberals, civil rights race baiters and many Democrat politicians, including President Barack Obama.
Now nearly two years later and armed with a barrel of lies offered up from “Black Lies Matter”, their movement of imagined racial victimization is going to descend like political locusts upon both Cleveland and Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. The city of “Brotherly Love” is going to be home to the Democrat presidential nominating convention.
Will the truth emerge from the group about the real issues that impact upon black families and especially black teens in urban America? Will the group that seems to be rather deft at manufacturing political mayhem, manufacture truth instead? Will the leaders take to the downtown streets of both cities and attack the decimating impact that black-on-black crime is having on black people in their neighborhoods, schools and homes?
Will the group and their hundreds, if not thousands, of supporters who will rally in Cleveland and Philadelphia dramatize a shameful condition that is destroying the very fabric and future of black young men in America? Based upon the and FBI’s Supplementary Homicide Reports and Centers for Disease Control statistics they really should. According to the report, 4,472 black men were killed by other black men annually between Jan. 1, 2009 and Dec. 31, 2012.
While the national and international television, print and radio reporters are gathered seeking all the news stories that can be possibly written, will the “Black Lives Matter” leadership become adults about the truth and actually showcase the unfortunate truth that, in 2010 and 2011 4,906 blacks died at the hands of other blacks. And in those same two years, according to the Tuskegee Institute, 1,406 black Americans were victims of black on black murders than were lynched from 1882 to 1968.
These are the alarm bells which should be going off at both conventions so that the conventioneers on the inside of the convention buildings can learn the truth and stop reacting to the fiction.
If “Black Lives Matter” wants to make a difference, then they must not remain silent to the truth. Silence is Betrayal.
Image: From Fibonacci Blue @: https://www.flickr.com/photos/fibonacciblue/15766912027/