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Have These Republicans JUMPED Ship To Be With Dems on Gun Control?

There you go again — Ronald Reagan

Dear GOP,

Dennis Prager often says Democrats are the dangerous party and Republicans are the stupid party. I’m going to add a couple words to describe you.

This week, in light of the Orlando Islamist terror attack, politicians raced to the House and Senate floors to dance kabuki-like in a mock effort to prove who cares the most about gun control. From Ben Shapiro’s >Daily Wire [edits mine]:

“We’ve got to make this clear, constant case that Republicans have decided to sell weapons to ISIS,” [CT Senator Chris] Murphy told the Post. “That’s what they’ve decided to do. ISIS has decided that the assault weapon is the new airplane, and Republicans, in refusing to close the terror gap, refusing to pass bans on assault weapons, are allowing these weapons to get in the hands of potential lone-wolf attackers. We’ve got to make this connection and make it in very stark terms.”

Plenty of people in the media have pointed out how ridiculous Murphy and MA Senator Elizabeth Warren are (Warren later repeated Murphy’s words in support), and they are. These two represent virtually the entire Democrat party, who exploit every mundane to monumental event in life to push for greater power for the state. To claim Republicans want to sell guns to ISIS – when Barack Obama sold weapons to drug lords in Mexico a la Fast and Furious – is just stupid and immoral.

My point is not that Democrats continuously play on Americans’ emotions, and certain Republicans like Susan Collins (R-ME) and Kelly Ayotte (R-NH) throw in with them, it’s that the remaining Republicans we believe have a shred of integrity left don’t get on the House or Senate floors, or in front of a camera, and cut the Democrats’ proverbial knees out from under them. Over and over, we see platinum opportunities for Republicans to make their case to the American people, and over and over they act like that kid in the Gary Larson cartoon of the outside of the Midvale School for The Gifted pushing on a door that says “Pull.”

Republicans, in gamesmanship, once you know your opponent’s next move, you can take advantage of it. In this case, announcing to the American people that Democrats are trying to take away our rights by converting “innocent until proven guilty” to “guilty until you can pay to prove your innocence, and you may or may not be reimbursed” puts you in the lead. Democrats would have no choice but to scramble a defense. It does not take decades of experience in politics to know this.

If Donald Trump has proven anything in this, the worst election cycle in modern history, especially early on in his campaign, it is that you can stand up for what you believe in against Democrats, the mainstream media, even your own party (to the questionable extent Trump is a Republican), and not internally combust. Odds are you won’t even soil yourselves. Well, some of you might.

Republicans, it comes down to this: You agree with Democrats, are too stupid to do anything to stop them, or are too afraid to act.

Welcome to the GOP, the Grand Opportunistic Pansies.

Photo credit: Susan M. Collins – World Economic Forum Annual Meeting Davos 2010 via photopin (license); Remy Steinegger

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Michael Cummings

Michael A. Cummings has a Bachelors in Business Management from St. John's University in Collegeville, MN, and a Masters in Rhetoric & Composition from Northern Arizona University. He has worked as a department store Loss Prevention Officer, bank auditor, textbook store manager, Chinese food delivery man, and technology salesman. Cummings wrote position pieces for the 2010 Trevor Drown for US Senate (AR) and 2012 Joe Coors for Congress (CO) campaigns.