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HEY, REST-OF-AMERICA: Never Go Full California on Guns

California has an A+ rating by the gun control lobby. You probably can’t name a gun control proposal the California Socialists haven’t passed. Of course, these laws only disarm the honest people and have no effect on violent crime. In fact, after the latest murderer killed his wife in Minnesota and then shot his university professor in California, the California Socialists called for MORE gun control.

Never go full California. No matter the problem, bigger government is always the California solution. There are 23 thousand firearms laws. Those laws don’t stop criminals. Those gun laws do give us a long legislative record. I predict the next California gun laws won’t prevent violence either.

That prediction should be obvious to anyone who looks at the record. Bigoted gun laws fail in city after city. New York City, Chicago and Los Angeles should each be a non-violent paradise if bigoted gun laws really worked. These cities are among our most violent.

If bigoted gun control laws worked on a state by state basis, then Washington DC and Maryland should be crime free. They aren’t, and it isn’t close.

Bigoted gun laws fail on a national scale. Russia, Mexico and Brazil should be a crime free paradise rather than some of the world’s most violent countries if gun control really worked.

You see, failure it isn’t a matter of size. Criminals break laws, while honest civilians follow the law. Bigoted gun laws disarm the innocent victims, not the thugs. That is a fact everywhere. Meanwhile, the Socialist politicians in California continue to blame the victim.

The bigots cry that, “This next law might save one life?”

The fawning news media never asks if the law would work. Even a casual examination of the record shows that the next gun law wouldn’t have stopped any of California’s mass murderers. The California bigots are selling superstition.

“But we have to do something!”

If we’re looking for a superstitious ritual, then I propose we have one Socialists politician urinate on the steps of the California Teachers Association. That is the same thing as a human sacrifice since the body will soon disappear from Sacramento in either case. If my ritual doesn’t stop violent crime, then do the same with two Socialists politicians.

Hey, sometimes you have to take one for the team… and it might save one life.

California, with its growing crime rates, is a model for all of us… a model of what NOT to do. California Socialists hate gun owners and the latest California gun laws are political theater in an election year.

Learn from others’ mistakes… and never go full California.

Share if you hope the rest of America doesn’t go down California’s gun control path.

Rob Morse

Rob Morse works and writes in Southwest Louisiana. He writes at Ammoland, at his Slowfacts blog, and here at Clash Daily. Rob co-hosts the Polite Society Podcast, and hosts the Self-Defense Gun Stories Podcast each week.