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WATCH: Girl Gives SEVERAL Examples Of GOOD Guys With Guns STOPPING Mass Shooters

Regis Giles of lists a dozen times that mass shootings were stopped by a good person with a gun. Please forward this on to your liberals friends who believe in disarming responsible American citizens.

Here’s just one example that was caught on video:

You can see the list of Regis’ examples with more details below:

1. Pearl High School


Oct. 1, 1997
Luke Woodham fatally stabbed his mother at home before opening fire at his high school, killing two students and injuring seven others. The attack was stopped when Assistant Principal Joel Myrick retrieved his .45 caliber handgun from his truck and confronted Woodham, detaining him until authorities could arrive.

Myrick’s action stopped Woodham from going across the street to the middle school as he had planned.

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