I was going to write a different column this month, taken from my file of suitable rants. However, for once I want to comment on recent events, but with a slightly different viewpoint than probably expected.
The POS we’ve regrettably installed in the White House can’t bring himself around to naming our true enemy…radical Islam. (Personally, I take it a step further and regard Islam…period…the true enemy of the entire civilized world, but hey, that’s just me.) So, he has a hard time uttering the very name of those who wish to destroy us. Well, here’s a suggestion. We counter that by refusing to no longer mention the names of the moslems (small “m” from now on…) who commit murder in our country. We’ve heard a lot about the Fort Hood moslem, the San Bernardino moslems, the moslems in Paris and Brussels and the moslems who rape and harass women in Germany. None of them are worthy to live in a civilized society, let along be glorified endlessly in the press.
Now, we have a moslem in Orlando killing 49 and wounding 53 at a gay bar. Various news sources are saying the guy’s wife might face charges as well. I’m tired of giving these people press coverage, which basically gives them hero status among other towel-heads.
They don’t deserve credit. There’s a historical precedent for this, dating back to ancient Rome. In
Latin, it’s “damnatio memoriae“, literally condemnation of memory, or “damned memory”. The intent is that the memory of a person must not be remembered. It was a form of dishonor, passed by the Roman Senate on traitors and others who had dishonored or discredited the Roman state. It was an attempt to completely erase the person’s name from history. Granted, in ancient times this would be easier since documentation was limited and seldom duplicated.
Only three emperors were dishonored in this fashion. Domitian (after his death in 96 AD), co-emperor Publius Septimius (after his death in 211 AD), and in 311 AD, Maximian, who was encouraged to commit suicide by Constantine the Great.
Historically, the best use of erasing a name from history was practiced way before Rome by the Egyptians. Great importance was placed on the preservation of a person’s name. It was believed that by destroying the person’s name, you destroyed the person and this even extended to the after-life.
The ancient Egyptians were so good at this that the heretical 18th dynasty pharaoh Akhenaten was almost so completely erased from history that it wasn’t until the 19th century that his name and those of his successors, such as King Tutankhamen, were re-discovered. (Kind of ironic that King Tut is probably the best known ancient Egyptian pharaoh.)
In our Christian Bible, there are two examples of this practice. When the Israelites started to enter and conquer Canaan, they were commanded by God to destroy the pagan tribes that were there. In Deuteronomy 25:17-18, the tribe of the Amalek was singled out for complete annihilation. It was so complete that their name is only found in Old Testament references. God demanded that His people have nothing to do with the unholy practices of those who inhabited this land.
In the final book of the Bible, in Revelation 22:19, we find God’s own opinion about removing a person’s name: “And if any man shall take away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God shall take away his part out of the book of life, and out of the holy city, and from the things which are written in this book.”
Modern usage of this practice is actually rather widespread. Joseph Stalin was well known to have his rivals and critics not only executed, but also for completely removing and obliterating any references to them in books, film, photos and official portraits. In Argentina, it’s forbidden to say the name of Juan Domingo Peron after the 1995 coup that removed him from power. Currently, throughout the world, there is a movement by the PC crowd in universities to remove all references to Cecil Rhodes (of the Rhodes Scholarship) because of his part in African colonialism.
In popular culture, one of the best examples of this thought process comes from George Orwell’s famous book 1984. Anyone who fell out of favor with the state was in danger of being “vaporized” and becoming an “unperson”. The removal was so complete that even the mention of the “unperson’s” name would be a “thought crime”.
Okay, so thanks for your indulgence with the short history lesson. My point, though, is to establish something of a foundation for the purpose of not mentioning the given names of moslem terrorists. By not giving them status as an individual, you can begin to focus more on the underlying cause of their actions, which is Islam’s desire to destroy western civilization. By taking away the individual’s status, you take away their power and influence.
Isn’t that really what Barack Hussein Obama does when he refuses to use the words “Islamic terrorists”? By refusing to name Islam, he’s trying to take away, or least deflect, it’s power to destroy. Hence, his use of the term “JV team” and instead of calling the Islamic state ISIS, he calls it ISIL, which is a reference to the removal is Israel.
I know it’s a proverbial pipe dream to even think the news media would do this, but since the Left has gone completely Orwellian with their reporting, we need to counter it by always focusing on the fact that it’s a moslem who perpetrates these acts of murder, rape, and violence that are becoming too common.
Forget their individuality. They don’t deserve the recognition. Focus on the cause… Islam.
(Author’s note: I’d like to say thanks to my wife Jennifer Savage for the idea for this particular installment.)
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