Celeb Muslim Refugee Sympathizer Gets a BIG Surprise Close to His Home in Europe

This celebrity who is also a refugee lover got a big surprise close to his European home. Do you think this might change his perspective a little bit?
A makeshift camp of illegal Muslim immigrants has cropped up near fashionable Lake Como, Italy, a vacation hotspot for the super rich like American actor George Clooney.
The migrant camp made up of hundreds of Muslims suddenly grew because migrants had nowhere to go after Switzerland closed it borders to more Muslim immigrants. Until Switzerland’s new policy, the region had merely been a trail for the migrants to pass through on their way to Switzerland and other Western European nations with large welfare states, according to the New York Post.
Residents of Lake Como are worried over the situation saying the town can’t support the massive number of stranded migrants who have begun to pile up there.
Thus far the local chapter of Catholic Charities has been caring for the mob, but the situation is quickly growing too big to handle.
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