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News Clash

HEY, FOX NEWS: You Should FIRE Shep Smith For His DISGUSTING #BatonRouge Remarks

Shepard Smith is facing a lot of heat for his comments to Bobbly Jindal after he stated that ‘All Lives Matter’ in light of the Baton Rouge shooting. Do you want him fired for saying this?

Just about every Conservative on the planet has a message for Fox News this Monday morning: “FIRE SHEPARD SMITH!”

Smith was attempting an interview with former Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal on Sunday in the wake of the murder of three police officers in Baton Rouge when he repeatedly scolded Jindal over three words, “all lives matter.”

You can watch it here:

Here were some of the reactions of Twitter users:

Do you agree with them? Do you think that Shepard Smith needs to be fired for this?

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