QUESTION: Should Black Lives Matter Be Designated A TERRORIST Group?

Do you agree with Rush Limbaugh and what he just said about #BlackLivesMatter? After the shootings in Dallas that left 5 officers dead, many are starting to agree with Rush. What about you?
Should Black Lives Matter Be Designated A TERRORIST Group?
Rush Limbaugh called the Black Lives Matter movement a “terrorist group” on his Friday radio show, a day after a sniper killed five police officers during a protest in Dallas.
“They’re a terrorist group,” Limbaugh said. “They’re quickly becoming a terrorist group committing hate crimes.
“Well, I’m hearing people use the word ‘terrorism’ in association with this incident,” he continued. “And some people are describing the shooter as an actual terrorist within the definition of the word that we use when we’re talking about al Qaeda, ISIS, militant Islam and so forth. Not that there’s a connection here to that. But terrorism in this country usually means that. But now people are calling this it.”
Five police officers were killed and seven were wounded by a sniper late Thursday in Dallas, the worst attack on police since 9/11. The gunman was killed after a standoff when authorities deployed a robot armed with explosives.
Read more: The Hill