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News Clash

BREAKING: Hillary’s MAIN Chick, Huma Abedin, Once Worked For RADICAL Muslims

AWKWARD! Feminist Hillary’s closest aide worked for Patriarchal Muslims. You won’t BELIEVE what was written about Hillary’s ‘Women’s Rights are Human Rights’ Beijing 1995 speech.

Hillary Clinton’s top campaign aide, and the woman who might be the future White House chief of staff to the first female US president, for a decade edited a radical Muslim publication that opposed women’s rights and blamed the US for 9/11.

One of Clinton’s biggest accomplishments listed on her campaign website is her support for the UN women’s conference in Bejing in 1995, when she famously declared, “Women’s rights are human rights.” Her speech has emerged as a focal point of her campaign, featured prominently in last month’s Morgan Freeman-narrated convention video introducing her as the Democratic nominee.

However, soon after that “historic and transformational” 1995 event, as Clinton recently described it, her top aide Huma Abedin published articles in a Saudi journal taking Clinton’s feminist platform apart, piece by piece. At the time, Abedin was assistant editor of the Journal of Muslim Minority Affairs working under her mother, who remains editor-in-chief. She was also working in the White House as an intern for then-first lady Clinton.
Read more: New York Post

Hillary’s ‘historic and transformational’ 1995 UN Women’s Conference speech in Beijing was torn apart by the Journal of Muslim Minority Affairs in 1996. The scintilating title was: ‘Women’s Rights Are Islamic Rights’.

Here are some highlights:

– single moms, working moms and gay couples with children should not be recognized as families

– more revealing dress ushered in by women’s liberation ‘directly translates into unwanted results of sexual promiscuity and irresponsibility and indirectly promote violence against women.’

– ‘A conjugal family established through a marriage contract between a man and a woman, and extended through procreation is the only definition of family a Muslim can accept’ (direct quote)

– ‘Pushing [mothers] out into the open labor market is a clear demonstration of a lack of respect of womanhood and motherhood’

Also damning is this statement by Abedin’s mother:

‘Empowerment’ of women does more harm than benefit the cause of women or their relations with men,” Saleha Mahmood Abedin maintained, while forcefully arguing in favor of Islamic laws that have been roundly criticized for oppressing women.

Hmmm… does Huma Abedin share these radical views?

How could she work as BOTH Clinton’s aide and an editor of this radical publication at the same time?

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