DEAR GARY LOVERS: Your Boy Just Gave CREDENCE To Black Lives Matter (WATCH)
HEY LIBERTARIANS: What are you going to do now?
Gov. Gary Johnson, the man many who just can’t stomach voting for Hillary are watching, said that the Black Lives Matter movement has made him ‘wake up’ to discrimination.
If there was any doubt, Gov. Gary Johnson is working harder at winning over former Bernie Sanders supporters than Ron and Rand Paul supporters. For whatever reason, he’s taken on several left-wing positions from bashing religious freedom to now supporting Black Lives Matter.
At the CNN Libertarian Party Town Hall on Wednesday, Johnson praised the efforts of Black Lives Matter and endorsed the organization.
Speaking to a Black Lives Matter protestor and registered Democrat who was shot in the leg during a march, Johnson said, “What it has done for me is that my head has been in the sand on this,” Johnson said. “I think that we’ve all had our heads in the sand and lets wake up. Discrimination does exist, has existed, and for me personally, um, slap, slap, wake up.”
Read more: Red Alert Politics