QUESTION: Will Tranny Lobby Get Christians Off The Couch This November?
The new school year has started in classrooms all across America. If you are a parent and a Christian, you may wonder if your son or daughter will be sharing a bathroom with a student who calls him or herself transgender. Several years ago the notion may have seemed not only far-fetched but utterly senseless. Now President Obama and Hillary Clinton want to make it the permanent law of the land.
But now, the Obama administration, with support and blessing from Democrat presidential nominee Hillary Clinton, is opening up public bathrooms in schools, stores, and even national parks to persons identifying themselves as transgender. The criteria are simple: Just say that you are and it is allowed. This is the first step toward destroying the very fabric of what Americans’, and especially your children’s personal privacy, is. As a parent what are you prepared to do?
For the moment this un-paralleled transformation of American society into a nation where traditional marriage between a man and a woman, is jettisoned and same-sex marriage is the accepted norm is quickly dismantling the Christian Constitutional framework designed by the nation’s founders.
Gay rights is being regulated into the very fabric of America by Obama, Hillary Clinton and the mainstream media. The goal is to cement it into place with the election of Clinton who, if elected, will have the opportunity to select one to three, if not more, U.S. Supreme Court Justices. These liberal justices will complete the Obama administration goal to destroy Christian civil rights.
As a parent who is living somewhere in the nation’s heartland is just returning from a summer filled with seasonal events, activities and traveling, the rude awakening of the opening bell of your child’s first school day is now here.
Parents are now awakened to feeling morally and legally disarmed even as their child expresses his or her fear about how their bathroom privacy has been taken away from them. Yet, there is a temporary reprieve. Recently, the Supreme Court granted an emergency appeal from a Virginia school district to temporarily block a male transgender high school student from using the restroom that matches the student’s gender identity.
At the center of the controversy is Gavin Grimm, who was born female but the student identifies as a male and will soon start the senior year at Gloucester High School. Previously school administrators allowed Grimm to use the boys’ bathroom. According to New York Times, when the school board adopted a policy that required students to use the bathrooms and locker rooms for their “corresponding biological genders” The School board had provided a reasonable option to use a private restroom. The parents of the student decided to sue instead.
The Supreme Court’s emergency intervention in the school district’s appeal flies directly in the face of the U.S. Department of Education Obama directed regulation. That regulation mandated that all school districts protect the rights of transgender students to use restrooms and changing facilities that are “consistent with their gender identity”, in order to prevent discrimination.
If there is discrimination that is occurring, it is with the issuing of draconian enforcement methods of the Obama influenced transgender bathroom mandate to the nation’s schools. In the past many, many public schools had addressed this matter in the manner that Virginia’s Gloucester County had by creating workable options for transgender students. Instead the Obama order is discrimination against boys and girls and their right to privacy.
At what point does the right to privacy against the invasion by the government end? The Virginia Gloucester County school district firmly believes that they have a legal right to “protect the basic expectations of bodily privacy of Gloucester County students.”
It is here where the legal and moral line in the sand must be drawn.
Virginia is a swing state in the upcoming presidential election. The Supreme Court will be examining this case in the next session and if Hillary Clinton is elected and appoints at least one more liberal justice, children and their parents will lose the right of privacy in school bathrooms.
The question is simple and your answer will possibly reclaim religious rights and your child’s right to privacy. As a Christian voter will you support transgender bathroom use by voting for Clinton, or protect your child’s privacy rights by voting for Trump and a Supreme Court choice made by him?
Your silence at the polls is betrayal.
photo credit: Gender Neutral Restroom via photopin (license); Jeffrey Beall