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News Clash

Crooked Hillary’s OUTRAGEOUS Health Lie Gets SLAMMED By MD

One Doctor from Kansas is pointing out a SERIOUS FLAW in Hillary’s ‘non-contagious bacterial pneumonia’ diagnosis..

Here’s the tweet:

“So Hillary’s doctor —who says ‪#HillarysHealth is “excellent”— just claimed Hillary had an imaging study that doesn’t exist,” he tweeted yesterday after Bardack released a statement on Clinton’s health that said she was fine.

Wolf noted that the big question is not Sunday’s episode, but the underlying conditions that could be impacting her health.

Two other tweets round out his savaging of her story:

They have called him ‘everything but wrong”, he tweeted.

RELATED: does anybody know where to find THIS little girl? She might need a checkup!


Just send the bill to Hillary!

Share if you think Hillary couldn’t tell the truth to save her life.