PATHETIC: Cruz Supporters Run ANTI-TRUMP Ads In Crucial SWING States
This is just disgraceful. Talk about sore losers! The convention is over, Trump is the Nominee, but these folks can’t let it go.
Watch Ted Cruz LIE about supporting Trump:
Then at the RNC, he had a chance to endorse Trump as the Nominee, and DIDN’T.
Now, disgruntled Cruz supporters are running ANTI-TRUMP ads in SWING States!
Do they not get that a divided Republican party actually helps Hillary?!?
Anti-Trump Republicans are preparing to launch a broadcast TV ad in a handful of swing-state suburbs urging Donald Trump to quit the presidential race so the party can replace him with a more electable nominee.
The ad, titled “Keep Your Word,” features footage of Trump during the Republican primary in which he suggested he’d drop out if he saw his poll numbers decline.
“No. 1, I’m not a masochist, and if I was dropping in the polls where I saw I wasn’t going to win, why would I continue?” Trump said in an October NBC interview featured in the ad. A graphic displaying political handicappers’ predictions of a landslide Trump loss accompanies his remarks. The ad ends with a plea: “Resign the nomination. Let the RNC replace you so we can beat Hillary.”
The 30-second spot is marked for a limited run on broadcast networks in suburban Florida, Virginia, Ohio and Michigan, according to Regina Thomson, a Colorado Republican activist and leader of Free the Delegates, the organization that failed to stop Trump’s nomination at last month’s national convention. All four states are central to Trump’s path to the White House, though he’s trailing in most polls of those states.
…The Trump campaign dismissed the effort as the last remnants of a dying NeverTrump movement.
“The ‘Never Trump’ movement died at the Republican Convention after it was revealed that they were nothing more than press releases and Facebook posts. The reality is, Republicans and non-Republican voters alike are rapidly uniting behind Donald Trump’s candidacy as people look for a real change agent who isn’t afraid to break up the rigged system,” said Trump campaign spokesman Jason Miller.
Read more: Politico
A key player in this is Regina Thomson.
A little about Regina from her Go Fund Me page:
When I first met Ted Cruz in February of 2011 I knew that one day I support him in a bid to become the President of the United States.
In August of 2015 I volunteered to be the Grassroots Director of the Cruz for President 2016 campaign in Colorado.
Now check this out from Red State:
Today I had the pleasure of interviewing one of the two founders of #FreeTheDelegates, Regina Thomson. Regina was in good spirits, the news keeps getting better for the movement, the odds have now shifted significantly, and she was nearly triumphant in her feelings.
She gave an amazing statistic which made the statistician in me gasp. Seventy Percent of all Delegates reached do not want to vote for Trump. Further she said they have contacted more than half of the delegates that will attend the convention. When asked if she knew that this meant the odds are likely that more than sixty percent are against Trump if this number even mostly holds true she said “Yes, and we are excited about it”.
This is unconscionable.
The election is 61 days away.
Taking out anti-Trump ads in swing states isn’t going to instil confidence in undecided voters.