PATRIOTS: America’s Got SERIOUS Problems… Are YOU Angry Yet?
Are you angry yet? If you’re not, you should be. I wonder if many Americans have even bothered to notice the miserable “stuff” that’s been going on in our country? Unfortunately, I feel that too many are more interested in the goings-on in the sports world and Hollywood. They can tell you the latest scores of the various teams, all kinds of information about the private lives of the celebrities in sports and Hollywood, and a variety of other, unimportant trivia. However, ask them anything about the United States history, geography, or government and they draw a blank. They have no idea what’s going on in their own country or the world.
How sad this is, that so many Americans don’t know, and probably don’t care. This is how a once-strong and exceptional republic deteriorates into a third-world country. The citizens let it happen. They elect politicians who they have not vetted, but who they think are so “cool”. The politicians are, in fact in many instances, just greedy and self-serving. They allow absurd and freedom-killing laws to be enacted. They listen to the mainstream media, who have become the propaganda arm of the White House and the Progressive Left. They don’t bother to contact their legislators and voice their opinions. Instead they’re all wrapped up in the lives of Hollywood bimbos when they should be caring about issues that affect the lives of every American.
Here are some items that I care about, and so should you:
We currently have an administration that constantly shreds the Constitution and bypasses Congress.
We have a gutless Congress. Whatever happened to separation of powers?
We have an administration that treats our allies badly and our enemies royally.
We have a President, who apologizes for our great country every chance he gets, lies on a regular basis, and initiates policies that will turn this country into a Socialist state.
Don’t forget the criminal activity in several government agencies, such as the Department of Justice, the IRS, the VA, and the EPA, just to name a few.
We once had the best healthcare in the world, and now we have the Affordable Care Act which is of very poor quality and has caused great pain to many citizens as well as increased costs. Obamacare is now imploding before our very eyes because many of the big healthcare companies are leaving the program due to diminishing returns and increasing costs.
Big Brother is trying to control every aspect of our lives while the government increases their surveillance of American citizens through the NSA.
Political correctness is rampant to the point where free speech is in danger. This is especially true in academia where dissenting opinions should be invited instead of discouraged.
There exists a national education program called Common Core which extols a Socialist agenda instead of teaching about the United States of America. It rewrites American history, promotes Islam, and is sexually explicit. Is this what our kids need?
This administration has poured thousands of so-called Muslim “refugees” into our cities and towns.
These people do not want to abide by our laws and are here for stealth jihad, with the help of the Department of Justice and Homeland Security. Their goal is to impose Sharia law instead of our Constitution.
Our economy is on life–support and the lefties do not seem to have a plan to revive it.
We have a First Lady who told graduating seniors to keep tabs on their racist family. When she’s not trying to regulate what we, or our kids, should be allowed to eat, she’s out there race-baiting.
I have a real problem with government agencies purchasing enough lethal ammunition to put five rounds into every American while trying to take guns away from law-abiding citizens. You have to ask why agencies such as the Social Security Administration, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, the Department of Agriculture, and the Post Office, to name a few, need ammunition at all. It’s no secret that the administration is trying to take citizens’ guns away under the guise of protecting people. That is not to protect people…that is to gain control over people and it’s in direct violation of the Second Amendment.
Our Armed Services have been decimated.
Veterans returning home from Afghanistan and other Middle Eastern venues have frequently been designated as terrorists by our government. Why? These same veterans are treated very badly at the Veterans Administration’s hospitals and clinics throughout the country. They deserve better.
Why is this administration so chummy with CAIR (Council on American Islamic Relations)? It is well-known that they are affiliated with the Muslim Brotherhood, which has been called a terrorist group by several Muslim countries. Yet the United States will not declare them a terrorist group.
Groups like Black Lives Matter and many of George Soros’ extreme leftist groups are flourishing under this administration even though their goal is to take down America.
An election is about to happen and the Democrat nominee has a long history of corruption and lies. In addition, she now exhibits dangerous symptoms of some very serious problems.
The mainstream media cover and manipulate the news in favor of the Democrat party and the Liberals.
Currently, the powers that be have a goal to bring our country down, and we cannot allow this to happen.
Pay attention, get involved. Are you angry yet?
photo credit: Faces of the Tea Party Movement 12 via photopin (license); The Q Speaks