RIGHT OR RIDICULOUS?: Is THIS The REAL Motive Behind Those ‘Immunity’ Deals
“No wonder they couldn’t prosecute a case,” Chaffetz told AP. “They were handing out immunity deals like candy.”
The question is … Why?
The theories getting traction point to even MORE administrative corruption.
— A former Attorney General is even calling for Comey’s resignation over this.
— NSA Analyst: We now have incontrovertible proof the Bureau never had any intention of prosecuting Hillary Clinton
First, the problem:
Hillary Clinton’s former chief of staff, Cheryl Mills, and two other staff members were granted immunity deals in exchange for their cooperation in the now-closed FBI investigation into Clinton’s use of a private email server as secretary of state, says a Republican congressman.
Rep. Jason Chaffetz, chairman of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee, told The Associated Press on Friday that Mills gave federal investigators access to her laptop on the condition that what they found couldn’t be used against her.
Democrats on the committee said Friday the immunity agreements were limited in scope and did not cover statements made to investigators or to potential testimony before Congress.
Still, Chaffetz said he was “absolutely stunned” that the FBI would cut a deal with someone as close to the investigation as Mills. By including the emails recovered from the laptops in the immunity agreements, the Justice Department exempted key physical evidence from any potential criminal case against the aides.
–AP Big Story
Why was it handled this way? These people weigh in:
FBI Director James Comey should resign, according to former U.S. Attorney Joseph DiGenova, after giving immunity deals to Hillary Clinton’s chief of staff Cheryl Mills and four other aides in the investigation over the former Secretary of State’s use of a private email server for government business.
Matthew Whittaker, another former federal attorney, told The Daily Caller News Foundation that Congress should know why the Clinton aides were “treated differently than any other investigation has ever been done.”
Mills got the immunity deal after refusing to let investigators examiner her computer, according to the Associated Press, which first reported on Friday the multiple agreements shielding key figures in the Clinton emails scandal from prosecution.
“This now gets to the point of a serious question as to the director’s fitness for office,” DiGenova told TheDCNF. He said a grand jury should have been convened and they should have issued a subpoena for Mills’ computer.
“You go to a federal judge, you get a grand jury subpoena and you fight that out. He didn’t want to do that. And neither did the Justice Department,” DiGenova said.
“The contours of this investigation are so embarrassing to the FBI because it is now clear that they immunized people who had criminal exposure and did not conduct a proper investigation before they gave immunity,” he said.
DiGenova called for Congress to hold hearings with Comey testifying under oath and to consider sanctions such as censorship or impeachment. Such a hearing is scheduled for Sept. 28, 2016, before the House Judiciary Committee.
Full story: Bizpac Review
But in a conference call with reporters Saturday, Trump surrogates Rudy Giuliani and Victoria Toensing, former Deputy Asst. Attorney General under Reagan, said it was the inevitable conclusion of an investigation which was initiated with the purpose of clearing Clinton. [emphasis added]
Giuliani noted that the investigation uncovered the “destruction of classified or confidential government information, obstruction of justice, and related crimes” and that the perpetrators “were given immunity.”
“When you read the totality so far of the FBI material … it looks like they were conducting an investigation for the purpose of giving immunity, as opposed to the purpose of determining criminality, since immunity was given to some of the key players that carried out the scheme to destroy government information,” Giuliani said. [emphasis added]
Giuliani also said it was troubling that two of the five lawyers present with Clinton during her interview, were Cheryl Mills and Heather Samuelson, who had already been witnesses in the case.
–Read more: Lifezette
NSA Analyst: We now have incontrovertible proof the Bureau never had any intention of prosecuting Hillary Clinton
From the moment the EmailGate scandal went public more than a year ago, it was obvious that the Federal Bureau of Investigation never had much enthusiasm for prosecuting Hillary Clinton or her friends. Under President Obama, the FBI grew so politicized that it became impossible for the Bureau to do its job – at least where high-ranking Democrats are concerned.
As I observed in early July, when Director James Comey announced that the FBI would not be seeking prosecution of anyone on Team Clinton over EmailGate, the Bureau had turned its back on its own traditions of floating above partisan politics in the pursuit of justice. “Malfeasance by the FBI, its bending to political winds, is a matter that should concern all Americans, regardless of their politics,” I stated, noting that it’s never a healthy turn of events in a democracy when your secret police force gets tarnished by politics.
Just how much Comey and his Bureau punted on EmailGate has become painfully obvious since then. Redacted FBI documents from that investigation, dumped on the Friday afternoon before the long Labor Day weekend, revealed that Hillary Clinton either willfully lied to the Bureau, repeatedly, about her email habits as secretary of state, or she is far too dumb to be our commander-in-chief.
Worse, the FBI completely ignored the appearance of highly classified signals intelligence in Hillary’s email, including information lifted verbatim from above-Top Secret NSA reports back in 2011. This crime, representing the worst compromise of classified information in EmailGate – that the public knows of, at least – was somehow deemed so uninteresting that nobody at the FBI bothered to ask anybody on Team Clinton about it.
…Now it turns out the FBI granted immunity to much bigger fish in the Clinton political tank. Three more people got a pass from the Bureau in exchange for their cooperation: Hillary lawyer Heather Samuelson, State Department IT boss John Bental, and – by far the most consequential – Cheryl Mills, who has been a Clinton flunky-cum-factotum for decades.
..Not to mention that Mills has a longstanding and well-deserved reputation in Washington for helping the Clintons dodge investigation after investigation. When Bill and Hillary need a fixer to help them bury the bodies – as they say inside the Beltway – trusty Cheryl Mills has been on call for the last quarter-century.
She played a key role in the Whitewater scandal of the 1990s – and so did James Comey. Fully two decades ago, when Comey was a Senate investigator, he tried to get Mills, then deputy counsel to Bill Clinton’s White House, to hand over relevant documents. Mills went full dog-ate-my-homework, claiming that a burglar had taken the files, leading Comey to unavoidably conclude that she was obstructing his investigation. Mills’ cover-up, the Senate investigators assessed, encompassed “destruction of documents” and “highly improper” behavior. [emphasis added]
Such misconduct is a career-ender for normal people in Washington, but not for Cheryl Mills, who over the last several decades has followed the Clintons everywhere they go. Mills has proven her loyalty to Clinton, Inc. time and again, and that loyalty has been rewarded with a pass on prosecution in EmailGate.
To say nothing of the fact that as chief of staff at Foggy Bottom, Mills was in no way functioning as Hillary’s personal lawyer, as Clinton advocates have contended. Even her other title, State Department Counselor, has nothing to do with legal matters, despite the name. That role is traditionally assigned to an esteemed foreign policy guru who is supposed to offer sage counsel to the secretary of state. Mills’ predecessor as Counselor was Eliot Cohen, one of the country’s preeminent scholars of international relations. Leave it to the Clintons to turn that job over to one of their trusted cabal, translating Counselor in mafia fashion as consigliere.
“The whole thing stinks,” explained a retired FBI senior official who professed dismay about the state of his former employer. “This was impossible in my time, unthinkable,” he rued, expressing shock that the Bureau allowed Mills to remain involved in the investigation, including acting as Hillary’s personal lawyer, despite her own immunity.
There is more. Lots more. The full article can be found at: Observer