‘F–K YOU. GO TO HELL’: Prof Goes MENTAL On A Muslim Trump Supporter
The Progressives are melting down all over the place. A Muslim woman has taken heat for more than a month because she voted for Trump.
Her colleague who was friendly to her before the election suddenly got very angry and harassed her via Facebook and Twitter.
Former Journalism Professor and Wall Street Journal reporter, Asra Q. Nomani voted for Trump. She was then harassed by former colleague, C. Christine Fair. (Note the irony in the name.)
A Georgetown University associate professor had a month-long meltdown after a Muslim woman explained why she voted for President-elect Donald Trump.
Asra Q. Nomani, a former Georgetown journalism professor and Wall Street Journal reporter, wrote an op-ed in The Washington Post Nov. 10 explaining why she, as a Muslim woman and “long-time liberal,” voted for Trump. “I support the Democratic Party’s position on abortion, same-sex marriage and climate change,” Nomani wrote. “But I am a single mother who can’t afford health insurance under Obamacare.”
C. Christine Fair, a previously “friendly colleague,” went on a 31-day screed against Nomani spanning across Twitter and Facebook. According to Nomani’s Dec. 23 follow-up complaint to the university, the “Peace and Security Studies” professor called her a “wretch,” “clueless dolt” and a fame-monger.
Read more: The Daily Caller
But wait! There’s more!
Guess what Professor Fair teaches?
She teaches ‘Peace and Securities Studies’ at Georgetown.
You just can’t make this up!
Here are some of the hateful things that Prof. Fair posted:
And, what follows is Prof. Fair reaching the summit of Mt. Bat-shit Crazy:
Here is the complaint to the University by Nomani:
My complaint to @Georgetown re: Christine Fair abuse against me for the crime of my vote for @realDonaldTrump: https://t.co/bN5DTlKZaD
— Asra Q. Nomani (@AsraNomani) December 23, 2016
Those Progressive Profs are really having a hard time with Trump.
And look how quick she went in with the Nazi label. Which is weird, really. If you want to discuss Hitleresque qualities such as, oh, anti-Semitism, it wasn’t Trump that blocked the veto on the anti-Israeli UN resolution.
Prof. Fair’s last rant is simply unhinged.
Maybe she needs to take some time off.
Her students probably need her to take some time off, too.