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News Clash

WATCH: The HYPOCRISY of The Leftist ‘Fake News’ Peddlers

Hillary Clinton, Brian Williams and the Media (D) shouldn’t be lecturing ANYONE about ‘Fake News’.


Hillary made stuff up just for the hell of it.

Sniper fire in Bosnia? Right, she ‘misspoke’ and was tired.

Hillary and the Obama administration have been peddlers of ‘Fake News’ for years with terrible consequences.

The Nobel Peace Prize winner, Obama, pushed for war because of ‘Fake News’.

And blaming a YouTube video is just… deplorable.

Brian Williams… really?


It was the ‘Fake news’ pushed by the left and the Media (D) has:

– started wars
– cost lives
– increased racial tensions
– caused riots
– fueled the distrust of the police
– undermining the legitimacy of Trump’s Presidency before he even takes office

This ‘real’ issue of ‘Fake News’ itself was made up by a Hillary supporter.

And we’re supposed to believe these people about ‘Fake News’?

Give me a break!

Facebook is now going to be the arbiter of ‘truth’ and filter your news for you:

Facebook is going to start fact-checking, labeling, and burying fake news and hoaxes in its News Feed, the company said Thursday.

The decision comes after Facebook received heated criticism for its role in spreading a deluge of political misinformation during the US presidential election, like one story that falsely said the Pope had endorsed Donald Trump.

To combat fake news, Facebook has teamed up with a shortlist of media organizations, including Snopes and ABC News, that are part of an international fact-checking network led by Poynter, a nonprofit school for journalism in St. Petersburg, Florida…

…A team of Facebook researchers will also review website domains and send sites that appear to be fake or spoofed (like “”) to third-party fact-checkers, a Facebook representative said. Of the 42 news organizations that have committed to Poynter’s fact-checking code of ethics, Facebook is starting out with the following four: Snopes,, ABC News, and PolitiFact.

The Associated Press will also be a fact-checking partner.
Read more: Business Insider

Remember how Facebook was routinely suppressing Conservative news?

Gizmodo quotes several former curators suggesting that conservative news stories would be booted from the automatically generated list of trending stories for two reasons. One was if the story came from a conservative-leaning site, such as or, in which case curators were told to find the same story on a mainstream media site, if possible. The other was if the curator didn’t want to include the story or didn’t recognize the story as important. It’s hard to know the extent to which the latter judgments took place, but one of the former curators — a conservative — told Gizmodo, “I believe it had a chilling effect on conservative news.”
Read more: Washington Post


How can we trust Facebook when it has already violated our trust on this?

Share if you think that the plague of ‘Fake News’ decried in the Media (D) is pretty much ‘Fake News’

K. Walker

ClashDaily's Associate Editor since August 2016. Self-described political junkie, anti-Third Wave Feminist, and a nightmare to the 'intersectional' crowd. Mrs. Walker has taken a stand against 'white privilege' education in public schools. She's also an amateur Playwright, former Drama teacher, and staunch defender of the Oxford comma. Follow her humble musings on Twitter: @TheMrsKnowItAll and on Gettr @KarenWalker