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News Clash

Clash Quiz: Guess How Much Of The Media Coverage Of Trump Is Negative?

The media is supposed to give government a hard time. But have you ever wondered how their treatment of Trump’s transition period has measured up against PREVIOUS Presidents?

Were they just as hostile to other Presidents?

Those ‘big three’ alphabet network? (ABC, NBC, CBS) The tallies are in.

Out of 1687 opinion-based statements about Trump since inauguration, what do you think the biases were?

If you said 89% AGAINST, you would be correct.

1501-186, the hostile statements carried the day. But then, ClashNation — you might have guessed that. You’re no stranger to the NeverTrump #resistance sentiments lurking in the networks.

Top two topics? Care to guess? The Travel Ban, and that ‘Russian Investigation’. It even calculates the minutes given to each topic — 223, and 222 respectively.

You’re shocked, right?

You’re probably interested in seeing that backed up. Ok. Here’s a clip from NewsBusters on the topic:

And the President’s March 4 claim that Trump Tower was “wiretapped” by President Obama drew 97 minutes of coverage, an astronomical 99.5% of which was negative: 189 negative statements, vs. only a single soundbite in support of the President — a man at a pro-Trump rally shown on ABC’s World News Tonight on March 5, saying, “I think there’s some validity in Mr. Trump’s comments.”

Network anchors used the flap to brand the President as an incorrigible liar. “After a string of unproven claims, will this President struggle to keep the trust of the American public?” NBC’s Lester Holt intoned on his March 20 newscast.

…Eight years ago, the networks’ treatment of President Obama’s first 100 days was very different. Back then, the networks delivered most of their coverage to Obama’s key policy priorities, topped by the nearly $1 trillion “stimulus” package (150 stories, or 15% of the total). The network spin for that legislation: 58% positive, vs. 42% negative.

As MRC analysts calculated at the time, the networks also doled mostly positive coverage for Obama’s intervention in the housing market (59% positive), his decision to use taxpayer money to fund embryo-destroying stem cell research (82% positive), as well as his push for more government action on global warming (78% positive).

“The President’s first seven weeks have been a whirlwind, with often dramatic movement in all directions, on all fronts: the economy, health care, two wars and today education reform,” then-anchor Brian Williams marveled on the March 10, 2009 NBC Nightly News.

On World News, March 1, 2009, ABC’s medical editor, Dr. Tim Johnson, gushed after a forum on health care: “I was blown away by President Obama’s grasp of the subject, how he connected the dots, how he answered the questions without any script.”

The networks also broadcast dozens of stories that treated Obama and his family as pop culture celebrities. “From the moment the Obamas landed in Britain, hand in hand, many here were already star-struck,” NBC’s Dawna Friesen enthused on the April 1, 2009 Nightly News. Covering a European leaders summit a few days later, ABC’s David Muir warmly referred to Obama as “the cool kid in the class.”

Tell us MORE about how the ‘Legacy’ media holds the keys truth and virtue.

That they are the defenders of all that is good and righteous.

Maybe to it between you shrill screeches of ‘The Russians’

Share if their media coverage is as phony as a $3 bill.