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MEDIA (D): Abusing First Amendment Responsibility In Order To CONSTANTLY Smear President Trump

I can no longer depend on the Bergen Record, the New York Times, the Washington Post, the Los Angeles Times, the Boston Globe, etc. for objective news reporting.

These publications almost always provide a negative tilt — a leftist tilt — to their reports. Their headlines are almost always negative and critical of the administration. Their first several paragraphs are consistently critical of President Trump and the Republican agenda. Most of these publications rely on their last few paragraphs for more objective reporting — I presume to cover their behinds. Thinkers are not fooled!

The same can be said for many of the TV networks: CNN, NBC, MSNBC, ABC, CBS, PBS, etc. Even Fox News is showing signs of a leftward shift under the leadership of Rupert Murdoch’s sons — James and Lachlan. They have removed Conservatives: Beck, Ailes, Greta, Megyn, O’Reilly from their “Fair and
Balanced” number one network. Stupid?

The media has clearly abandoned its constitutionally protected responsibility of providing fair and balanced journalism and interpretation of present day events.
According to the Media Research Center – 89% of the media coverage of President Donald Trump is negative.

Needless-to-say this is outrageous – irresponsible. The media are protected by the US Constitution to give us factual reporting – not obviously biased smearing.
Compare that with President Obama’s media treatment: he received 78% favorable coverage during his first hundred days. The media were literally cheerleading for Obama.

Nowadays, the most reliable information sources, from my perspective, are: the Wall Street Journal, Investor’s Business Daily, Newsmax, Forbes, Breitbart News Daily, The Drudge Report, etc.

President Trump has signed twenty-eight executive orders during his first hundred days. He has canceled and/or inhibited job-killing and business-disrupting regulations. He has reduced inappropriate government spending by $500 billion. He has reduced unemployment to its lowest level — 4.4% — in ten years. Last month, 211,000 new jobs were created. And the nation’s wealth has skyrocketed since Trump’s election via the Trump Stock Market – an indicator of anticipated business confidence, job creation, and voter


photo credit: wwward0 Old News via photopin (license)

Share if you agree the Mainstream Media is abusing their First Amendment responsibility in its bias against Donald Trump.

William Pauwels

William A. Pauwels, Sr. was born in Jackson Michigan to a Belgian, immigrant, entrepreneurial family. Bill is a graduate of the University of Notre Dame and served in executive and/or leadership positions at Thomson Industries, Inc., Dow Corning, Loctite and Sherwin-Williams. He is currently CIO of Pauwels Private Investment Practice. He's been commenting on matters political/economic/philosophical since 1980.